Health grows in these hands.
Daniel Salgado, a former agricultural worker from Mexico, is as self-reliant and resourceful as he is friendly and warm. No one would believe he is 80 years old. He has been cultivating an acre of rugged hillside above the Solano Canyon Community Garden for almost twenty years. Most days, his hands are in the soil, harvesting pipicha, papalo, rue, and other medicinals grown throughout Latin America. His herbs fill every patch of soil among his nopales, tomatillos, and onions.
Gardeners testify that Daniel has taught them a great deal, from companion planting to handcrafting tools. He contributes his vast expertise, but also the bounty of his labor. A wide network of family and friends sustain their kitchens because of Daniel. His herbs are used to treat infections, joint pains, and headaches as well as high blood pressure and digestive illness.
Daniel’s entire household was affected by COVID-19. When he didn’t show up after a few days, fellow gardeners noticed and reached out to check on him. He had been hit hard, but he survived. Thanks to his community, today he is back out among his herbs, digging in the dirt, and sharing the results of his craft.