Essential service during the pandemic.
At Solano Canyon Garden today, a community looks back at the intense beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. “There was just so much unknown,” one gardener remembers. “For the gardeners and the people who came in, there was extra security knowing that there's food available. And you didn't necessarily have to wait in line. A lot of people were really grateful for that. I was really grateful for that. And then as the lockdowns came in, it was a place to be outside and to be working. And I think that was of great value to me.”
In the past, the farm was an education and community hub as well as a source of biodynamically grown local produce for area restaurants and homeless shelters. Overnight, the garden was transformed into a safety net for the gardeners themselves. The urban farm was the only community garden in Los Angeles to remain open. It was designated an essential service, and has offered thousands of pounds of free, fresh food in a safe outdoor setting.